Military aviation / war

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  • Kamikaze - To Die for the Emperor

    Peter C Smith
    Pen and Sword Books
    X X X X X
    237 pg.
    Review written by: Joris Gonggrijp

    This book, detailing the creation and execution of the Japanese kamikaze – divine wind – suicide attacks, was a real eye-opener for me. Never before have I read such a detailed account of this desperate stratagem. Moreover, the profound effect the attacks had on the allied fleet in the closing years of the war was […]

  • Jack’s War- Letters to home from an American WW II Navigator

    Elisabeth Woolsey Herbert DVM (sister of Jack) (Editor)
    Elisabeth Woolsey Herbert DVM (sister of Jack)
    X X X X X
    293 pg.
    978-0-994-29720-4 (paperback), 978-0-994-29721-1 (e-book)
    Review written by: Joris Gonggrijp

    This book was published by the daughter of WW II veteran ‘Jack.’ Shortly after her father’s death, her family discovered a treasure trove of sorts containing her late father’s letters home to his parents, penned during the war. In addition, the chest contained a slew of mission notes complemented with maps that he had compiled […]

  • Men of the Battle of Britain

    Kenneth G. Wynn
    Frontline Books
    X X X X X X
    584 pg.

    Men of the Battle of Britain!…This book is actually the most special one on my book shelve. It is the third edition of a book that was published in 1989 for the first time. The book is a kind of bible of ‘The Few’ that flew in the Battle of Britain. Around 3.000 people that […]

  • Verhaaltjes blijven komen

    Jan Algera
    Martin Leeuwis Publicaties
    X X X X X
    233 pg.

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch.

  • The Great leader and the fighter pilot

    Blaine Harden
    Viking (Uitgeverij Balans for the Dutch version)
    English, Dutch and many more
    X X X X X
    304 pg.
    978-0670016570 (USA)

    Recently my eye fell on this book with a fighter jet on the cover and then I want to read it! Of all the aviation books that I read, this one is a bit odd but tasty, because it doesn’t only cover special aviation history, but also separately tells about the history of North Korea. […]

  • Shot Down- The true story of WW II pilot Howard Snyder and the crew of the B-17 Susan Ruth

    Steve Snyder
    Sea Breeze Publishing, LLC
    X X X X X
    978-0-9860760-0-8 ASIN: B00N4JLJ0O
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    With this book about Howard Snyder, who during WW II was the pilot on a B-17 from the 8th American Air Force, was a card from the author Steve Snyder, son of Howard Snyder, with the words: ‘It’s our duty to remember never forget’. This book goes further than only the events around Howard Snyder […]

  • RAF Tanker Navigator

    Peter Bodle and Tony Golds
    Pen & Sword Books
    X X X X X
    192 pg.
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    This book tells about the daily life of a RAF navigator, who for the biggest part of his military career flew on the then 4 engine RAF jets like the Vickers Valiant and the Handley-Page Victor. Tony Golds – our main character- joined the RAF almost directly after his study. That was in 1960, the […]

  • The mighty Eighth at war

    Martin W. Bowman
    Pen & Sword Books
    X X X X X
    288 pg.
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    This 282 pages counting book tells about the actions of the 8th US air force during the Second World War. The 8th contained B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator bombers and operated from Great Britain under the command of brigadier general Ira. C. Eaker. The book gives a detailed overview of all the operations of […]

  • Grumman F9F Cougar Detail & Scale Series

    Bert Kinzey
    Detail and Scale Series
    X X X X X
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    This e-book describes the Grunman F9F Cougar, the first arrow wing jet of the American Navy. With the appearance of the MIG 15 above Korea, the American Navy was heavenly pressurized to quickly come with a counter reply and that led to the development of the Cougar as successor of the ‘straight wing’ Grunman Panther. […]

  • All along the control tower, A photobook

    Barten en Barten
    Narwal Publishers
    X X X X X
    220 pg.

    One would not exactly refer to aviation as a niche. Books on the subject of aviation probably more so. However, books about World War ll control towers would certainly fall into that category! This book from the brothers Theo and Frans Barten contains photographs of the last 52 remaining Second World War towers at (former) […]