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Looking down on the moon
DogEar Publishing2014English238 pg.978-1-4575-2642-8Review written by: Jorig GonggrijpLooking down on the moon!… The main character of this book, Jack Roberts, is a somewhat cripple pilot who initially pilots for the East African Mission and later is recruited as a hireling-pilot. He uses a walking-stick that also is deployed as a very effective striking- and stabbing weapon. His handicap doesn’t restrict him in his […]
Shot Down- The true story of WW II pilot Howard Snyder and the crew of the B-17 Susan Ruth
Sea Breeze Publishing, LLC2014English978-0-9860760-0-8 ASIN: B00N4JLJ0OReview written by: Max HeldringWith this book about Howard Snyder, who during WW II was the pilot on a B-17 from the 8th American Air Force, was a card from the author Steve Snyder, son of Howard Snyder, with the words: ‘It’s our duty to remember never forget’. This book goes further than only the events around Howard Snyder […]
Why planes crash 2001 - A critical view on plane crashes in the 21st century
Sylvia Spruck Wrigley2013English150 pg.UUID 6F7525Co-9255-11 E2 – 9 E 96-0800200C9A66Review written by: Max HeldringThis e-book contains 11 stories of plane crashes, described in great detail, including the communication between the pilots and traffic control. These crashes have taken place during the course of 2001. With each description of the crash also a piece of text of the original investigation report is published and it contains a link to […]
RAF Tanker Navigator
Pen & Sword Books2012English192 pg.9781844157440Review written by: Max HeldringThis book tells about the daily life of a RAF navigator, who for the biggest part of his military career flew on the then 4 engine RAF jets like the Vickers Valiant and the Handley-Page Victor. Tony Golds – our main character- joined the RAF almost directly after his study. That was in 1960, the […]
The mighty Eighth at war
Pen & Sword Books2010English288 pg.9781783830015Review written by: Max HeldringThis 282 pages counting book tells about the actions of the 8th US air force during the Second World War. The 8th contained B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator bombers and operated from Great Britain under the command of brigadier general Ira. C. Eaker. The book gives a detailed overview of all the operations of […]
Grumman F9F Cougar Detail & Scale Series
Detail and Scale Series2014English978-0-9860677-1-6Review written by: Max HeldringThis e-book describes the Grunman F9F Cougar, the first arrow wing jet of the American Navy. With the appearance of the MIG 15 above Korea, the American Navy was heavenly pressurized to quickly come with a counter reply and that led to the development of the Cougar as successor of the ‘straight wing’ Grunman Panther. […]
Aerotoxic Syndrome - Aviation’s Darkest Secret
Pilot Press UK214English229 pg.978-0-9929508-0-4Review written by: Joris Gonggrijp“Till this day, the only thing filtering this toxic soup out of the cabin are the lungs of the passengers and crew”. This quote sets the tone for this book. A good listener only needs half a word: bleed air for the pressure cabin. With the introduction of the jet engine in the civilian aviation […]
Logistics in the Falklands War
Pen & Sword Books2014English248 pg.978 1 47382 3129Review written by: Joris GonggrijpIt is more than 30 years ago, in the meantime, and still one is writing about it like it happened yesterday: the 74 days during Argentinian occupation of the Falkland Islands. This time the pen is handled by an American intendancy officer, who after 30 years was allowed to look in the archives, which before […]
Avro LANCASTER in Military Service 1945 - 1965
Pen & Sword2014English96 pg.978 147382 7240Review written by: Joris GonggrijpThe in the tittle mentioned dates are in some way not really correct: the first operational flight with Lancaster bombers took place on the 3rd of March 1942 (with 4 Lancaster’s that laid mines before the German coast). 7.377 bombers have been built of which 3.460 were lost during operational ‘wartime’. Crashes during take-off and […]
Downing Dora Nine
Paradrome Press2014English440 pg.978-0-9913260-2-0Review written by: Max HeldringFiction stories about aviation always have a so called ‘inaccuracy’ factor. Which means that a good story often collides with the technical reality. In this book, written by Matthew Patrick and beautifully illustrated by John Patrick, a good balance has been found. The story takes place in 1915 when aviation stood at the beginning of […]