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Flying Light Helicopters with the Royal Marines-Collective Tales From Marine Air 489
Pen and Sword Books2021English304 pg.9781399002509Review written by: Joris GonggrijpThis book contains the most comprehensive description of helicopter –, or any other aircraft-, flying I was ever privilleged to review.
Modern South Korean Air Power- The Republic of Korea Air Force Today
Harpia Publishing Verlags GmbH2021English256 pg.978-1-950394-07-4Review written by: Rene Verjans290th Review Modern South Korean Air Power- The Republic of Korea Air Force Today- Robin Polderman A perfect book for on the shelves of the MOD’s of North Korea, Japan, China and Russia! 256 pages full with good information about the air power of South Korea. In the meantime I do know this series of […]
Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles- current Types, Ordnance and Operation
Harpia Publishing Verlags GmbH2021English184 pg.978-1-950394-05-0Review written by: Rene Verjans289th Review Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles- current Types, Ordnance and Operations- Dan Gettinger Of course, it had to happen one day; a review of a book about unmanned aircrafts. And to be honest, I resisted a bit against it, against books about this type of planes, because these planes do not reflect the romanticism that […]
Continue to hold
Swamp Productions /Martin Leeuwis Publication2021English160 pg.978-94-90008-260Review written by: Rene Verjans288th Review Continue to hold – Gary Clark This is a Funny Book! It’s all about ATC and the ATC world! And that this ATC world contains humour is well seen by this artist. The book with 160 pages is full of cartoons and other humour, all cartoons are drawn by Australian Gary Clark, whose […]
Verhaaltjes, ben je ooit uitverteld?
Martin Leeuwis Publicaties2021Dutch228 pg.978-94-90008-25 3Review written by: Rene Verjans(Nederlands) Het is Jan toch weer gelukt een 5e boekje van deze soort samen te stellen! Hulde! De eerste 4 had ik ook al en ze zijn niet alleen ‘leuk voor de heb’, maar betekenen voor mij persoonlijk veel meer! Ze representeren voor mij inmiddels een heel stuk mooie, maar ook leuke Nederlandse luchtvaartgeschiedenis.
Luchtvaartkunst- werk en leven van Thijs Postma
HYG2021Dutch, English386 pg.9789083024523Review written by: Rene Verjans(Nederlands) ‘Deze’ wilde ik graag hebben voor op mijn boekenplank. Geen e-book, maar een echt boek. Zeg maar gewoon dik 2 kilo boek schoon aan de haak deze keer!
Modern Taiwanese Air Power | The Republic of China Air Force Today
Harpia Publishing2021English96 pg.978-1-950394-03-6Review written by: René VerjansReview Bookreview: Modern Taiwanese Air Power, The Republic of China Air Force Today- Roy Choo, Peter Ho Again, a great edition out of the Harpia Publishing series, this time about the Taiwanese Aviation. When you look at the map, then Taiwan is a small dot next to extremely huge China, which considers Taiwan for years […]
Britain’s Glorious Aircraft Industry- 100 Years of Success, Setback and Change
Pen & Sword Books2021English496 pg.9781526774668Review written by: René Verjans(Nederlands) Passionate book!
Mayday Mayday Mayday-A Pilot’s memoirs
Independently published2020English166 pg.ASIN : B08JF17MB5Review written by: Rene Verjans283rd Review Mayday Mayday Mayday-A Pilot’s memoirs- Brian Clapp Brian Clapp has noted 23.000 flying hours in his journals. 3000 of those hours are RAF flights and, in that time, he flew 8 years in – oh yes- Shackleton’s. After that he transferred to the Nimrod, followed up by a civil career at various airline […]
The Dassault Adventure: A First Century of Aviation
Harry N. Abrams2016English128 pg.ISBN-10 : 1419722816 ISBN-13 : 978-1419722813Review written by: Pedro Blas Gonzalez282nd Review The Dassault Adventure: A First Century of Aviation- Luc Berger The Dassault aircraft manufacturing company was started early in the twentieth century by Marcel Bloch, who changed his name to Marcel Dassault after WWII. Dassault’s iconic airplanes have received a stamp of approval from the aviation and aerospace sector of the world’s economy. […]