Book Reviews
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One desert Jet turner
2002English232 pg.9780970418937I came across this book on the internet and it is exceptional for a few reasons. Earl Heron, the author, spent part of his career working as a maintenance engineer for the US Air Force (USAF). You don’t often see books written by maintenance guys, which makes it exceptional in itself. And I love the […]
Van Pioniers tot professionals
2012Dutch111 pg.Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch.
I want to fly!
2012English160 pg.I trust there is nobody who – like Ding Duck – has had 5,000 flying lessons and still cannot fly! This endearing book is about a sweet little duck who, despite all the necessary materials being available to him: a tower, a flight instructor, a beautiful runway, and despite his very best efforts, he just cannot […]
Imperial Outpost in the Gulf
2012English238 pg.After having reviewed ‘History in the Arab Skies’ by Gerald Butt, quite by chance I came across this little gem of a book about Sharjah airfield, close to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Its author, Nicholas Stanley-Price, was the cultural heritage advisor to the Sharjah Museums Department in the UAE from 2007 to […]
The spectacle of flight
2005English323 pg.0-300-10692-0Never thought I would write 50 reviews about aviation books, but here it really is: my 50th review! And to think that, as a child, I hated books. I didn’t even read the bubbles in comic strips. I am humbly grateful to all those writers of beautiful books who gradually won me round! I carefully […]
Heroes and landmarks of British aviation
2012English257 pg.978-1-84884-645-6My interest in British aviation dates from a good 25 years ago when, as a boy I was regularly to be found, practically glued to the perimeter fence of RAF Wildenrath in Germany, jotting down airplane numbers. I’ve fished out the notebook I used at the time. Thumbing through it I see among the entries […]
2012English336 pg.978-1479298839Contrails by Robert Anderson is the first piece of aviation fiction I have ever reviewed. It is an entertaining and funny novel which drew me in from the start. I found I couldn’t put down because I was so curious as to how the principal character, Sam Claymore, would end up. Sam is a pilot […]
2012Dutch295 pg.978 90 388 9434 8Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch.
100 jaar vliegen voorbij
Kosmos Uitgevers2008Dutch430 pg.Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch.
Piloot van goed en kwaad
Bezige Bij2012Dutch207 pg.978 90 234 7442 5Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch.