Here you can find all the book reviews in alphabetical order.
Books A-Z
F9F Panther Units of the Korean War
Osprey Publishing2014English96 pg.978-17800-350Review written by: Pedro Blas GonzalezReview F9F Panther Units of the Korean War- Warren Thompson The end of World War II saw the defeat of German national socialism and the propping up of international communism, which spread from the Soviet Union. Even though international communism had been a reality since the October Revolution of 1917, when the Bolsheviks created a […]
Inside the sky: A Mediation on Flight / Tussen de wolken
2003Dutch, English215 pg.0679429832Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch.
Soviet Spyplanes of the Cold War
Pen & Sword Books2013English96 pg.ISBN-10: 1781592853Review written by: Joris GonggrijpThis large book gave me for the first time insight information about the Soviet’s involvement in and around Israel during the period of just after the 6-day war (initiative Israel) and the Yom Kippur war (initiative Egypt and Syria). Surprisingly detailed the operational dedication of the MIG-25R (reconnaissance) under real war circumstances is explained, even […]
SUKHOI Su-15- The Boeing Killer
Pen and Sword Books2015English96 pg.978 1473823907Review written by: Max HeldringThis is one of the many photo books published by Pen & Sword Books in A4 size with 96 pages filled with an overview of the history of this Russian warplane with more then 170 black and white and colour photos of the Su-15. The authors describe within the smallest details the development and the operational live […]
Trailblazer in Flight- Britain's First Female Jet Airline Captain
Pen & Sword Books2013English192 pg.1783462671Review written by: Max HeldringThis English book tells in 186 pages the story of Yvonne Pope Sintes, who became in England the first woman captain on a commercial passenger airplane. In that time – we are talking about the 50’s- it was very unusual to employ a woman in a function in the by men dominated aviation. The bigger […]
Aviation humor
2012English145 pg.978-94-90008-07-9Buy?!Aviation Humor via Amazon UK? Buy?!Aviation-Humor via Amazon USA? Whether you are a man or a woman, if you have long suspected that it would be easier to live with a plane than with your spouse, here, at last, is a book which will provide you with 16 reasons why a plane is more rewarding […]