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  • Fly For Your Life: The Story of Spitfire & Hurricane Ace Robert Stanford Tuck

    Larry Forrester
    Acquisition Analytics Inc
    X X X X X
    378 pg.
    ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1738697312 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1738697311
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    (English) This biography of Stanford Tuck was first published in 1956 and as a youngster who had a great desire to become a pilot I have read this book with red ears. Now 60 years later it is still a nice book to read for everyone interested in the history of WW2 and especially in the Battle of Britain were Stanford Tuck played a star role as a fighter pilot with 29 confirmed victories.

  • The Learjet History: Beginnings, Innovations and Utilization

    Peter G. Hamel, Gary D. Park
    X X X X X X
    389 pg.
    ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 303106030X ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-3031060304
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    (English) This book is a monument for the Learjet and Bill Lear written with an unbelievable amount of technical information supported by visual printed content, drawings of modifications and a great amount of photographs. A must for every LJ pilot or business pilot and their worldwide users. The authors must have worked on this for years because all technicalities are well researched and detailed described. I am sure competition must have acquired this book also. The company delivered the last Learjet in May 2021 having produced 3056 models.

  • RAF in Camera – 100 Years on Display

    Keith Wilson
    Pen and Sword Books
    X X X X X X
    472 pg.
    ISBN: 9781526752185
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    (English) When you are talking about the best series of aviation books, then this one is absolutely in my top 3! Why? Just because I can..and must be! This book is 472 pages and contains, just as the other 3 books that were
    published in the past years in this series, really beautiful pictures.

  • Short Finals: An Aviation Adventure. "It's Time To Fly"

    Mc Kechnie
    Independently published
    X X X X X
    186 pg.
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    (English) As the author said in his preview “strap yourself in the jump seat” and let Scot Gibson (the main person in this book ) fly you around the world.  And that is what this book is all about. You fly with Scot during his active career as a pilot in so many different planes and different disciplines that it also a book for non aviators who are interested in the aviation world.

  • England Is My Village and The World Owes Me a Living

    John Llewelyn Rhys
    HP Handheld Press
    X X X X X
    62 pg.
    Review written by: Joris Gonggrijp

    Review only in English

  • The Flying Shadow

    John Llewelyn Rhys
    Handheld Press UK
    X X X X X
    978 1 912766 659
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    Review only in English….

  • Sky Raider

    Thomas Upson
    Sea Story Press USA Florida
    X X X X X
    307 pg.
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    Een roman over de luchtvaart. Ik weet eigenlijk niet of dit boek wel thuis hoort bij AviationBookReviews.com, want de naam dekt niet helemaal de lading. Duke Thomas -de hoofdpersoon in deze luchtvaartroman- is een ‘ace’ tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog en een vlieger in dienst bij de toenmalige USAAF met een grote passie, namelijk de archeologie […]

  • Britain’s Glorious Aircraft Industry- 100 Years of Success, Setback and Change

    J. Paul Hodgson
    Pen & Sword Books
    X X X X X
    496 pg.
    Review written by: René Verjans

    Passionate book!

  • Mayday Mayday Mayday-A Pilot’s memoirs

    Brian Clapp
    Independently published
    X X X X X
    166 pg.
    ASIN : B08JF17MB5
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    283rd Review Mayday Mayday Mayday-A Pilot’s memoirs- Brian Clapp Brian Clapp heeft 23.000 vlieguren genoteerd in zijn logboeken. 3000 daarvan zijn er gevlogen RAF en in die tijd vloog hij 8 jaren op -jawel- Shackletons. Daarna stapte hij over naar de Nimrod en daarna startte hij een civiele carrière bij diverse vliegmaatschappijen over de hele […]

  • Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II- The 'Warthog' Ground Attack Aircraft

    Peter C Smith
    Pen & Sword Books
    X X X X X
    448 pg.
    Review written by: Joris Gonggrijp

    Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in Amerikaans Engels.