Recensies in het Engels

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  • RAF in Camera – 100 Years on Display

    Keith Wilson
    Pen and Sword Books
    X X X X X X
    472 pg.
    ISBN: 9781526752185
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    (English) When you are talking about the best series of aviation books, then this one is absolutely in my top 3! Why? Just because I can..and must be! This book is 472 pages and contains, just as the other 3 books that were
    published in the past years in this series, really beautiful pictures.

  • Short Finals: An Aviation Adventure. "It's Time To Fly"

    Mc Kechnie
    Independently published
    X X X X X
    186 pg.
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    (English) As the author said in his preview “strap yourself in the jump seat” and let Scot Gibson (the main person in this book ) fly you around the world.  And that is what this book is all about. You fly with Scot during his active career as a pilot in so many different planes and different disciplines that it also a book for non aviators who are interested in the aviation world.

  • Cuban Migs- The Defenders of Castro’s Air Force

    Hélio Higuchi, Paulo Roberto Bastos Junior
    Harpia Publishing Verlags GmbH
    X X X X X
    144 pg.
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    Yes! Here is another book of one of the most beautiful series that I collect! This time ‘Cuban Migs’ -and for the people that do not know the books of Harpia Publishing-; a great book that is part of a large series of books that, in the meantime, is published by them.

  • England Is My Village and The World Owes Me a Living

    John Llewelyn Rhys
    HP Handheld Press
    X X X X X
    62 pg.
    Review written by: Joris Gonggrijp

    Review only in English

  • The Aviation Pioneers of McCook Field

    Jerry Koszyk
    Shiffer Publishing
    X X X X X
    185 pg.
    Jerry Koszyk
    Review written by: Joris Gonggrijp

    Review only in English

  • The Flying Shadow

    John Llewelyn Rhys
    Handheld Press UK
    X X X X X
    978 1 912766 659
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    Review only in English….

  • FLIGHT- a visual tribute to military aviation in all its forms

    Dirk Jan de Ridder
    Ridder Aero Media
    X X X X X
    159 pg.
    ISBN 978-90-90-35771-3
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    (English) Dirk Jan de Ridder is addicted to aviation photography and that delivered him beautiful pictures. Since he was 7, when he visited an aviation show at Gilze Rijen for the first time, he is ‘sold’ to aviation and more specific and foremost, military aviation. Throughout the years he makes trips to 23 different countries all over the world, which supplied him with pictures of planes and helicopters from 71 countries! Dirk Jan now decided to unite the most beautiful
    ones in a book.

  • Sky Raider

    Thomas Upson
    Sea Story Press USA Florida
    X X X X X
    307 pg.
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    Een roman over de luchtvaart. Ik weet eigenlijk niet of dit boek wel thuis hoort bij, want de naam dekt niet helemaal de lading. Duke Thomas -de hoofdpersoon in deze luchtvaartroman- is een ‘ace’ tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog en een vlieger in dienst bij de toenmalige USAAF met een grote passie, namelijk de archeologie […]

  • Flying Light Helicopters with the Royal Marines-Collective Tales From Marine Air 489

    Col Robert Wilsey
    Pen and Sword Books
    X X X X X
    304 pg.
    Review written by: Joris Gonggrijp

    (English) This book contains the most comprehensive description of helicopter –, or any other aircraft-, flying I was ever privilleged to review.

  • Modern South Korean Air Power- The Republic of Korea Air Force Today

    Robin Polderman
    Harpia Publishing Verlags GmbH
    X X X X X
    256 pg.
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    290th Review Modern South Korean Air Power- The Republic of Korea Air Force Today- Robin Polderman Een perfect boek voor op de plank van de MOD’s van Noord Korea, Japan, China en Rusland! 256 pagina’s vol goede info over de air power van Zuid Korea. Inmiddels ken ik deze serie van Harpia Publishing een beetje […]