Aviation history

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  • Verhaaltjes, ben je ooit uitverteld?

    Jan Algera
    Martin Leeuwis Publicaties
    X X X X X
    228 pg.
    978-94-90008-25 3
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    (Nederlands) Het is Jan toch weer gelukt een 5e boekje van deze soort samen te stellen! Hulde! De eerste 4 had ik ook al en ze zijn niet alleen ‘leuk voor de heb’, maar betekenen voor mij persoonlijk veel meer! Ze representeren voor mij inmiddels een heel stuk mooie, maar ook leuke Nederlandse luchtvaartgeschiedenis.

  • Luchtvaartkunst- werk en leven van Thijs Postma

    Thijs Postma
    Dutch, English
    X X X X X
    386 pg.
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    (Nederlands) ‘Deze’ wilde ik graag hebben voor op mijn boekenplank. Geen e-book, maar een echt boek. Zeg maar gewoon dik 2 kilo boek schoon aan de haak deze keer!

  • Mayday Mayday Mayday-A Pilot’s memoirs

    Brian Clapp
    Independently published
    X X X X X
    166 pg.
    ASIN : B08JF17MB5
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    283rd Review Mayday Mayday Mayday-A Pilot’s memoirs- Brian Clapp Brian Clapp has noted 23.000 flying hours in his journals. 3000 of those hours are RAF flights and, in that time, he flew 8 years in – oh yes- Shackleton’s. After that he transferred to the Nimrod, followed up by a civil career at various airline […]

  • The Learjet Diaries

    Greg Madonna
    Middle River Press
    X X X X X
    394 pg.
    ISBN-10 : 1946886157 ISBN-13 : 978-1946886156
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    This story is about a Learjet pilot flying charters out of South Florida mainly to countries in South America.

  • The F-4 Phantom: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War)

    Martin W. Bowman
    Pen & Sword Aviation; Illustrated Edition
    X X X X X
    144 pg.
    ISBN-13 : 978-1526705761 ISBN-10 : 1526705761
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    This book describes in 4 chapters who the most important users of the Phantoms were. Firstly, the US Navy and US MC; secondly the USAF; thirdly, the Royal Air Force and fourthly, the other users like, for example, Israel, Turkey, Greece, South-Korea and Japan.

  • South Pacific Air War Volume 3: Coral Sea & Aftermath May - June 1942

    Michael Claringbould and Peter Ingman
    Avonmore books
    X X X X X
    248 pg.
    ISBN-10: 0994588992 ISBN-13: 978-0994588999

    Review South Pacific Air War Volume 3: Coral Sea & Aftermath May – June 1942- Michael Claringbould and Peter Ingman This one of the few books about WW II theaters that describes both sides of the conflict. It gives not only the allied version, but also a detailed version of the Japanese operations, including many […]

  • Boekbespreking Jachtvliegers doen een boekje open

    Martin Leeuwis
    Leeuwis Publications
    X X X X X X
    244 pg.
    978 94 90008 222
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    Review Jachtvliegers doen een boekje open- Martin Leeuwis Als je dit oer-Hollandse boek ‘Jachtvliegers doen een boekje open’ ziet of in je handen hebt, wil je het op je boekenplank! Alleen de kaft al! De inmiddels wereldberoemde uitgever Martin Leeuwis -bekend van met name de uitgave van aviationhumor-boeken- heeft het hem weer geflikt. Deze keer […]


    Tom Cooper & Abdallah Emran
    Helion & Company
    X X X X X
    80 pg.
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    THE FIRST NUCLEAR WAR. In 1973 I was 2 years old and that is exactly the reason why I didn’t know about this ‘war’. And then it is very nice that this book of Helion & Company crosses my path to change that! It is a book from the ‘Middle East & War-series’ of which […]

  • Flight Craft 18; British Military Test and Evaluation Aircraft The golden years 1945-1945

    Malcolm Lowe
    Pen and Sword books
    X X X X X
    72 pg.
    Review written by: Rene Verjans

    Sometimes I am jealous of the British! (and sometimes also not, by the way!) But now I am, when reading this beautiful colourful book of Flight Craft; what an aviation history has been created in a couple of decennia! And here we are just talking about the 1945-1975 years that are described in this book. […]

  • Colours in the Sky- The History of Autair and Court Line Aviation

    Graham M. Simons
    Pen & Sword Books
    X X X X X
    320 pg.
    Review written by: Max Heldring

    233rd Review Colours in the Sky- The History of Autair and Court Line Aviation- Graham M. Simons The history of British Autair and Courtline Aviation is recorded in this book that gives us a thorough history outlay of its activities during the years of its existence. Autair was founded in 1953 and soon afterward the […]